
Ideas and Strategies from a Mom with 30 years of experience

Sometimes I’d Rather Not Know

Do you want to hear a very scarey story?
When my son, Davey, was 4 years-old, he had a Big Wheel that he LOVED to drive around. He spent hours on it. He never walked anywhere – he drove his Big Wheel.

One day Davey was home with my husband, Dave, and Dave fell asleep on the couch. This was normal – nothing scarey going on here. It got scarey when Dave woke up and he couldn’t find Davey anywhere. Davey was gone……and so was his Big Wheel. Dave looked up and down our street – no Davey.
He started to feel frantic as he backed our car out of the driveway to look around the neighborhood. After going a few blocks and not seeing Davey, Dave suddenly had an idea of where Davey might have gone. Dave’s parents had just left after visiting us for several weeks. Every morning during this visit, Grandpa had walked and Davey had ridden his Big Wheel to the Circle K to get a paper for Grandpa and a treat for Davey.

Dave hoped he was wrong about Davey’s destination because the Circle K was almost a mile away from our house and you had to cross an extremely busy city intersection to get there.  Dreading what he might find, he pointed the car toward the Circle K.

And what he found was Davey’s Big Wheel parked outside the front door of the Circle K and Davey just walking into the store.  Another customer was holding the door open for our little son.

Davey’s guardian angels worked overtime on that day because Davey didn’t know anything about stop lights yet or walk signals.  Dave was smart enough to not even tell me this had happened until 2 months went by.  If he had told me right away, I’m sure I would have over-reacted and cut Davey’s Big Wheel into small pieces along with adding several more INSIDE locks to the door.  When I found out, it was already history.  Everything was fine.  But it still gives me the shivers today thinking about my little guy going across that big city street all by himself – except he wasn’t all by himself.  We’re confident that God stopped those cars – there’s no other explanation.

Lessons learned – God is with my children and takes care of them when I’m not there.  AND sometimes its just better as a parent to NOT know things.  That second lesson applies more often when they are teenagers and young adults 🙂

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